Project #3A: Processing basic shapes & colours – Mondrian’s Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow

For project 3A i was tasked with recreating Mondrian’s Composition using the processing language.

I started by drawing a large black rectangle and a bunch of smaller different colored rectangles and aligned them to look like the black lines were drawn on, when really they were just layered over one another to create the effect. It just seemed more logical to draw especially for the processing language.

Project #3A final screenshot

original —————————————————————————————————-Recreation


void setup () {
size (600, 600); // The size of the viewing window

void draw () {
fill (0, 0, 0); // The black background rectangle
rect (0, 0, 600, 600);

fill (255, 255, 200); // The two left tan squares above the dark blue square
rect (0, 0, 140, 178);
rect (0, 200, 140, 220);

fill (12, 25, 57); // The bottom left hand dark blue square
rect (0, 436, 140, 200);

fill (255, 255, 200); // The bottom long tan rectangle
rect (157, 436, 380, 200);

fill (255, 255, 200); // The bottom right tan top small square
rect (553, 436, 100, 70);

fill (246, 195, 29); // The bottom right yellow small square
rect (553, 520, 100, 140);

fill (135, 21, 21); // Big red square in the middle of the image
rect (157, 0, 450, 420);

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